Stymphalian Birds

Stymphalian Birds – human-eating pets of Artemis in Greek Mythology – are said to have metallic feathers. Using their feathers as arrows, they have a beauty that is both attractive and dangerous.


Nomination at STARTS Prize 2020 — STARTS (Science, Technology & the Arts) is an initiative of the European Commission, launched under the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Its purpose is to support collaborations between artists, scientists, engineers and researchers to develop more creative, inclusive, and sustainable technologies.
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Finalist at the QUO ARTIS AWARD for Production in Art, Science and Technology 2020.


Audrey Briot, Cedric Honnet, Paul Strohmeier. 2020. Stymphalian Birds – Exploring the Aesthetics of A Hybrid Textile. In Companion Publication of the 2020 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference (DIS ’20). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA. DOI:
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Stymphalian Birds is an art installation, exploring the aesthetics and the societal impacts of a hybrid textile at the crossroads of electronics and haute couture. The exhibited textiles are hybrid in various ways. They combine traditional handcrafts with digital technologies, chemical processes and elements created by nature. The audience will learn how these four different approaches seamlessly connect traditional featherwork and materials science. The resulting textiles provide a rich multi-sensory experience: complex haptic interactions with feathers and textiles are sonified in acoustic soundscapes.

Stymphalian Birds in CyberArts 2020 Prix Ars Electronica. STARTS Prize ’20 Ed. Hannes Leopoldseder, Christine Schöpf, Gerfried Stocker, graphic design by Gerhard Kirchschläger, English, 2020. 256 pp., 500 ills. softcover, 16.50 x 24.10 cm, ISBN 978-3-7757-4761-5, p. 249 & back cover.
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More than Human-Centred Design, part of the conference Designing Interactive Systems (DIS) 2020, July 2020, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
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Ars Electronica .ART Gallery, Ars Electronica 2020, In Kepler’s Garden, Festival for Art, Technology & Society. 9-13 Sept 2020, at JKU Campus, Linz.

STARTS Prize’20 at BOZAR Lab, Centre for Fine Arts, Brussels, from 26 sept. to 25 oct. 2020, online.
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eTextile Spring Break, April 2019, at Wassaic Project, Wassaic, New York, USA.

They speak about the project:

MIT Media Lab announcing the publication Stymphalian Birds – Exploring the Aesthetics of A Hybrid Textile at DIS’20
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Aesthetica Magazine introducing Stymphalian Birds
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